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A Training Programme and Community Built Around You

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6 Months Access



Access to all courses including new ones as they are added

Access to Premium Community Features

Certificates for each Course

Access to all of Ayub's Tec Rec Companion Guides and Booklets

Free Access Period to the Tec Recruitment Demsytifier App

Access to All Roles and Tech

Concepts Mind Maps

Interview Questions Guides

24/7 Support


12 Months Access



Access to all courses including new ones as they are added

Access to Premium Community Features

Certificates for each Course

Access to all of Ayub's Tec Rec Companion Guides and Booklets

Free Access Period to the Tec Recruitment Demsytifier App

Access to All Roles and TechConcepts Mind Maps

Interview Questions Guides

24/7 Support


12 Months Team Access

Team and Enterprise


Option to create SSO access and standalone platform

Access to all courses including new ones as they are added

Option to discuss tailored material and course creation suited to your needs

A Customised Community for your own team

Certificates for each Course

Access to all of Ayub's Tec Rec Companion Guides and Booklets

Free Access Period to the Tec Recruitment Demsytifier App

Access to All Roles and TechConcepts Mind Maps

Interview Questions Guides

24/7 Support
